Monday, 20 August 2012

over it

I am officially over it all.. at the moment at least. Perhaps I am done - fuck it I want to be normal  - the way I was before the calorie counting, before the purging, binges, restricting. Makes me happy somedatys and hating myself others.....

Happy ol Pixie. Skinny and not giving a fuck about what she ate because it didnt matter

Except now I am here- the scales show I am lower, but my moods feel the same.

While I have lost - I am now 50.7kg.Which I should be jumping for joy over but all I want to do is go back to how things were.Carefree. Not counting, weighing, measuring. 

Perhaps I am changing the game plan... perhaps I am thinking too much into recovery... perhaps most likely I am just having a bad day.. and will go back to disordered pixie tomorrow.

Perhaps I should shut the fuck up... go into Hiatus for a while. 

Eat right. Whatever "right" is... exercise more. Be confident in my own skin.... 

Perhaps it's time for this Pixie to up her meds. 


  1. recovery is amazing, i have never felt so free, and honestly, im lighter than i ever was when i was starving. i do the "caveman diet" eating clean, and not eating foods that come in a package, just eating veggies, fruit, meat, and eggs. ive never had so much energy

  2. I think if you can recover then you should try, because i'm sure it must feel amazing. For me, I don't want to. I know if I ate normally then I would end up looking normal. And I can't have that. So if you can eat what you want and still be skinny. I mean. Yes, Pix. Yes. :) xo

  3. Thanks guys, yea ive been thinking paleo clean eating. And although piggy people wwould say I was skinny which I used to feel I'm just not sure if I can go back to that mindframe since ed has entered my life. I think I just had a bad day... I'm going to think about things ... Have some me time but honestly I think I will get.back.onto the.bandwagon even if it is killing me... Oxox pix

  4. I'm in a similar position, trying to recover but not quite ready,
    I want to want to recover if that makes sense

    Do what's right for you,
    I hope that's recovery x
