Wednesday, 5 December 2012


 The Rules.
In your next blog post....
1.Thank the person/people who nominated you & Include a link to their blog.
2.Include 11 things about yourself.
3.Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
4.Choose 11 bloggers to nominate, they must have less than 200 followers.
5.Create 11 questions for them to answer.
6.Let them know you nominated them

Thank you the the amazing Judith Marie for nominating me for the Liebster Award - even though I have been absent for a while - it is great to feel re-connected to the blogger world.Oh boy have I missed it!

11 Random things about Pixie. 

  1. I am 21
  2. My star sign is Cancer and I think it suits me to a T.
  3. I am not used to stability I need change, to move around alot. 
  4. I miss my old friends in another state and wish I could sometimes just pick up and go back to them.
  5. I have one year left of my degree.
  6. I am crossing my fingers to get into honors.
  7. My ex has ruined me.
  8. I have few good friends. 
  9. I get annoyed with girls easily... and often I avoid them text messages... block from facebook I am terrible. 
  10. I love Buffy and wish I could be a vampire slayer - think How fit you would be. 
  11. I often dream of Marilyn Manson in my bed. 

Questions from Judith Marie: 

1. How would your life be different if you didn't have an ED?

Boy I think I would be a lot happier... I am really not sure. It would definately be easier to go out with friends, and spend more time with family during meal times etc. 

2. Thinspiration or reverse thinspiration and why?

Thinspiration, I feel sick looking  at FAT! I know stuck up but I am being honest. 

3. Favourite item of clothing?
If I am being casual - my black maxi dress, If I am dressing up my lbd. I really need more colour in my life!

4. What is your dream holiday?
Hmmm... anywhere that is on a secluded beach with cocktails, all my loved ones and music!

5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? (can't be body related!)

My confidence I am a shy person and get extremely nervous in situations such as class presentations, job interviews etc... I think I have learnt to hide it well but.. other than thin... confidence in a person is my biggest envy!

6. Besides your ED, what is your next biggest problem?

I tend to think more than I do.... I need to just stop procrastinating, being lazy and just DO. 

7. How much do you think the fashion industry has contributed to your ED?

In the beginning I dont think very much at all.... but then again it could have and I may not have been aware of it.... Now though I tend to source out pics of skinny celebs etc and eating habits etc. 

8. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Would you ever get any?
None. I can't due to what is called Keloid scarring, I did have my ears and lip pierced (did it myself in my emo days) but got rid of them after rapid scar growth. Yuck. 

9. How does your ED affect your relationships?
hmmm I think it hinders the quality of time I get to spend with people. . and if someone knows about my ED it makes shit awkward ha. 

10. If you were on death row, what would be your last meal?
Pasta.... I love it... but I'm allergic and it makes me fat!

11. What is top of your bucket list?
Travel for months on end. 

Bloggers I nominate: 
I have emailed these out, sorry if you have been nominated and cant be bothered replying lol.

My Questions: 

  1. What made you start your blog?
  2. What is your favourite book and why?
  3. What is your favourite place in the world/why?
  4. Who is your favourite person in your life and why?
  5. Which celebrity do you hate and why?
  6. What advice would you give to a 15 year old you?
  7. What would be your dream job/why?
  8. How many people know about your ED. What was their reaction?
  9. Do you celebrate Xmas / how?
  10. If you were granted 3 wishes what would they be?
  11. When did your ED start/ why do you think ED is part of your life?
That is all.. 

I will post soon xoxo Pix. 

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