Tuesday 13 December 2011

A while

It has been ages since my last post and it this time I have gained.A whopping 6 kilos infact. I was so ashamed to come on here and read how well everyone is going so I took a break and honestly it was the best thing for me.

I am at my highest weight I have ever been 54kg - no longer weighing the 48kg or 47.7kg that I was only months ago. But you know what I am happier... I am not calorie counting at all. I am not purging (although I did on the weekend twice oops, I am eating allot less sweets actually and I am not binging on a million snacks a day.

While yes I think gosh why could I not just be 48kg again, why cant my clothes be loose, why cant my ribs be showing still and face slimmer oddly I am not as depressed as what I was when I was calorie counting, weighing myself 15 times a day and purging just as many.

I still eat healthily - usually two meals a day and still only drink water and diet soda its not like I am eating Maccas or burgers (not that I did that anyway).

My boyfriend says I look good, and happy that I have my ass back - I still am not content but getting there. I know I was crazy with what I was doing. I was making myself sick.

I still want to lose weight I want to be 50 kg or 49kg again but I am going to try take a different approach and not be so self loathing and in such a rush (losing 6 kilos in a couple of months takes only a couple of weeks to put back on trust!). It was this self loathing that made me binge - thinking I am not good enough or worth anything. If I take my time with it and trick my body into thinking "if you want the cookie eat the cookie" then maybe the body wont want the cookie quite as much!

I think I have failed alot of people, but so be it. I hope everyone is doing well. I have missed you. I hope you understand.

xo Pixie.


  1. Hey girl, I missed you!
    It's so good to hear that you are so happy. And that's the only thing that really matters. It doesn't matter that you gained weight, if you are happier and healthier than you were then that's a good thing.
    Don't think that you've failed anyone. You haven't. You're doing something that's good for you and we should all be happy for you.

  2. Hey darling thank you soo much
    I have missed everyone! I will catchup on blogs soon the xmas season is so busy but I will make time., thanks for the support. I youre all is going well :) xx

  3. i hate how hard we work, and a couple careless mistakes have us back to where we started!

