Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Gosh I hate holidays... spending money, eating, spending time with people you'd rather not. 

I really have no idea what to write anymore.. it is as if my mind is empty. Nothing much is happening. 

I got accepted into the honors program at college... which I am sure will be stressful but perhaps that's a good thing.. keep my mind occupied and mouth shut.

I re-joined the gym post-nye.. and I have gone twice this week and I am feeling sore but good. All I want to do is exercise when  I'm not there. Eating has been blergh. Today the scales read 52.6kg then 53.2kg 1 minute after (if only I was not an obsessive "must weigh three times in a row" type) so I don't want to trust them. Instead I am going to workout, eat less and try and fit into the clothes I could this time last year. . loosely. Oddly enough even though I am fat, I have had two friends talk about how worried they are as apparently some pictures of me look too thin.... HA! It is funny when no one really noticed that much when I was 6kg lighter or said anything. I will get back to that stage < current goal 50kg before start of semester = 3.5weeks > 

So far today I have had coffee and half a packet of slim pasta with veggies and a bit of curry powder... Slim pasta is amazing 16 calories for the whole pack and that will last me two meals. 

So far I am guessing 50-80 cal for today and that will do me until dinner time. The boy wants to make dinner for me tonight but I am going to encourage something very basic/healthy. 

I may have another coffee later, while I stick my head into all these readings I need to do so I can pick my thesis topic. I have a meeting with my supervisor next week and she wants to know all my ideas and plans... this stage I don't really have any. Bad student already before semester starts :/ 

Not a fan of Miley but she does look good! 


  1. Holy fuckballs. What is this slim pasta stuff? What does it taste like? Is it good? Totally had a google about it now... does it keep you full? fuck me. Need to buy this immediately.

    You can definitely lose those pesky 3kgs before the start of the semester. Yes we can. Picking a thesis topic is currently the bane of my existence. Good luck. xo

  2. Haha kinda tastes like rice noodles! You can order online, it needs to be rinsed well as it sticks together easily and has a strange smell but with veggies etc its fine! Thanks lovely hoping the 3kg leaves and stays gone! ! Xx

  3. Miley is looking good, and I'm always sticking to coffee and tea to get me through the day :)
