Tuesday, 8 May 2012

On the brighter side..

I am back from my trip away, whilst it was great seeing old friends I weighed in after landing home sun night and it was no surprise I would see gain - gain - gain. 

So I have been restricting like I haven't in a while. 
Yesterday I had soup and cereal - 356 calories
Today Soup and cereal and soon more soup for dinner so it will be around 400 for today. 

I weighed in today and I have lost 1.3kg in a day! 

I am hoping that I lose more by tomorrow... I dare not report how much I weigh currently as I am appalled - but I will once I am happy with the success that WILL COME! 

I am seeing the skinny girl no doubt in about three weeks - at least I think she will be there at a friends party... I must be thin by then, I cant let her see me like this. 

I also need to fit into a dress by July that I want to wear for my party. I need to lose about 5kg by then.... I think this is doable... small steps. 

I tried to stop smoking, I didnt at all yesterday but restricting calories and all sometimes makes me on edge so I allowed myself a few today - also university is stressing me the fuck out - I can feel myself spiraling down into one of my depressions. I hope some more weight-loss will make me happy. It has to right?

Not a lot else has been happening, just a lot of going out, drinking and eating. But I plan for this to stop... No drinking until next weekend for a bday party then the one after that... Alcohol and anti-depressants are not a good mix for me I get depressed for days after the hangover flees.And in regards to eating I plan to do this soup/ cereal thing until Saturday. From then I am working out a plan that involved healthy eating, incorporating plenty of veggies and LESS carbs. 

( with winter fast approaching I want these legs on me! ) 

This is really just rambling I am going to read some blogs and do some homework. blergh.

xoxo Pixie. 

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