I should introduce some characters fictional -
There's Pixie ..
There's normal girl.. Pixie's split personality.. the
Angel aka S = Pixie's lovely boyfriend. Far too kind yet unaware of her disorderly ways.
Momsy - Pixie's mother really is lovely means well but far too protective and can be rather smothering. OCD. Clean-a-holic
Fasha - Pixie's father. Passive and has not had a meaningful conversation with Pixie in years, but they don't need to. Paying out Momsy behind her back in a nice way is quite sufficient. Works hard then spends home-time in front of the television and bag of chips.
Milah - very new friend of Pixie's. Also disordered. Knows about Pixie's disorders. A breath of fresh air.
Serena - Older sister. Works. Has boy, financial and all sorts of troubles.. nothing like Sis2 her other sister of the same age.
Kendra - College friend. In need of a new brain. Constant boy troubles.
B - One and only long lost brother... new to the scene
So there is the introduction of characters in this trip down the memoir lane.. stay tuned as Pixie.. takes you on a brisk walk through the purging, binging, laughter, the wishful tears, aloof behavior and search for her identity.
xoxo Pixie.
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