Friday, 28 October 2011

"New Leaf" so far

Day two of not restricting (as much)

Day one Thursday consisted of
Cereal and Coffee - 230 cals
Risotto cake and felafel's and salad - 300 cals
Felafel's and salad - 60 cals
Mango and a piece of leftover berry pie - bad I know but did you know Mango is a negative cal food so all up 100 cals here
snack mars bar piece and vita wheat's with dip - 100 cals approx.

Total around - 790 cals

Day two Today - Friday
Cereal and coffee - 200
chai latte - 150
fruit salad - watermelon = negative cal
a few (to many) smarties and cheese and crackers - approx 150
2pc fish and salad and sweet potato = 350
Total around - 800cals

Weakness strikes back: I purged.It was gross. Food from the night before came up - salad tomato etc.. and the curdled milk in stomach that must have been from the cereal or latte - it was bad.. but it felt good.. I felt bad for eating the crackers and cheese (I gave in to temptation here to at university in the computer pools the others were eating crisps, sweets and so on.. asking why I wasn't eating.. the best thing was crackers..) I need to stop this bad habit.

I am also going to have some mango for desert and strawberries - negative cal food though.

So without "dieting" per say I am still under 1000 cals which I guess is not bad, considering its recommended for women to lose weight to have around 1500 cals a day and my BMR calculator said to burn 2300 cals per day - this incorporates daily activity including sleep (which I loveeee).

I know I should be counting my fruit in my calorie intake - but I know that digesting and eating these particular ones (checkout negative calorie foods on google or a previous post of mine) require more cals than the food itself.

Exercise for both these days - very little :P I have been just so busy with assignments and major's. I have handed one in and only have 500 more words to go on another then after that two presentations and an exam down the track. For now though I am going to leave those 500 words for Sunday and enjoy the weekend. I am going to the movies tomorrow night for S and our anniversary should be nice - as long as I don't get popcorn soda and chocolate :o.

I for the first time in as long as I can remember did not weigh in today! I was so tempted to every time I walked past the bathroom but I thought I may not like what I see and it would ruin my current good spirits - today you know what to be honest was the first day the voice inside my head did not repeat "I hate my life" over and over and over--- that's saying something. It's a big deal  especially when you hear that voice every day~ it can get annoying.

Any who I think I may go watch some t.v or read to unwind. I am reading a book atm "not without my sister" about a religious cult like family of hundreds who were into weird incest practices and three girls escaped somehow (yet to find out) and wrote a bio. I am only up to part 2 of 3 but it is pretty good. I really like that sort of thing - crime, cults etc... helter skelter is also a great read!

No more rambling.. sorry.

I hope everyone is doing well.. stay strong lovelies.. I have come across a few blogs recently where young girls are hating on themselves far to much. We may not be perfect... but really no body is (apart from Mila) :P we all have our flaws, weakeness' and mishaps (can I hear "binges" in the crowd?) but no matter how thin that model on our screen is no matter how perfect she appears she does have imperfections.

xx - Pixie.


  1. totally agree with your last paragraph. No one is perfect and we all need to love ourselves a little bit.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment, it was a shining beacon in a dark place.

  3. Youre more than welcome i agree we at times can be so cruel to ourselves and we shouldn't be just because it feels like everyone wlae is. Xx enjoy your beauty girls and the weekend Xx
