Saturday, 22 October 2011


Well ladies you guessed it this weekend was an epic failure, I experienced my first massive real binge. A binge for me is usually reaching 900 cals.
This was... I don't even know how many - to many is all I know!

Saturday2 pce raisin toast and margarine (300)
2 coffees (10)
carrot and hummus (30)

that was okay but after work boy oh boy!!
S and I went shopping, we bought rice, tofu, veggie patties and 2 blocks of chocolate!Lets just say between us we ate both blocks over the weekend!
Dinner was rice - huge amount with roast eggplant, mushroom stir fry and tofu - the roast eggplant was not as good as when we got it last week!

oh and before dinner 3 beers and some nachos!! because my sister came over and brought them *I know vomit here*

After dinner was okay I purged the whole lot up, pretending to have a long shower.. so i got that out. But then it was cheesecake! two big pieces! (leave now this is only Saturday girls)Fair to say I was feeling gross. Reading this makes me feel gross.

Sunday - today
Morning coffee - cookies LOTS of choc Chip cookies sooo here alone was about 550 cals
THEN it was salad and pasta another 500 cals
then I got home and it was a small choc doughnut!!! about 200 cals.
I feel like absolute shit! I have NEVER eaten so much in as long as I can even comprehend!!

I could mope about it more but I feel that this will mark a change - I have it out of my system (I hope) and I am more motivated than ever to go back to the gym!!
Must go my sisters picking me up to get a juice.... I have to walk past the box of doughnuts to leave the house

All in all I am feeling shattered and disappointed...
I hope everyone else however had a lovely weekend- keep strong - sometimes when we fall down we just jump right back up fighting harder and stronger.... at least that's the plan
xo - Pixie
I am going to make a food and exercise plan and stick to it as much as poss. Has anyone got any diet tips to recommend or exercised to increase that thigh gap!

I will look like this - - time frame  = 2 weeks.


  1. ahhhhhh :( :(. I also had a FAT binge yesterday - chinese and potatos - and also cheesecake. It is okay though, because it just makes us more determined! you can do it! :)

    Xo Xo

  2. I bet the cheesecake was so lovely... at the time, we are sneaky aren't we :P But yes I am very determined thankyou so much for your encouragement I offer you the same tomorrow is a new day!!

    xo - Pixie.
